
About Us

Francis and James lead the FurtherEd project.  Funding by the Ufi Voctech Trust has allowed them to bring their teaching and EdTech expertise to creating a Functional Skills platform for colleges.


James and Francis are both qualified Maths Teachers with over 20 years of teaching experience between them.
In 2019 they launched the Maths Kitchen adaptive learning platform to guide learners preparing for their GCSEs.
The site was featured on the department for education's 5 recommended GCSE resources for home learning during lockdown in 2020 which lead to a lot of interest from schools. A teacher dashboard was added to this platform in 2021 and a solution for personalised learning for schools was born!

A Plea from Further Education Colleges

While working on mathskitchen.com we worked closely with a number of Further Education Colleges. They thought the existing platform was great but we were frequently asked by them to do something similar for Functional Skills learners in Further Education.
In 2022 we were fortunate to win a Ufi VocTech Activate grant to do just that. This grant is enabling us to apply experience we have already and make use of our existing technology to develop a platform which is specifically focused on the needs of teachers and learners of Functional Skills Maths in the Further Education sector.

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